PVCu Sliding Patio Doors
PVCu Sliding Patio Doors
Easy to open and operate you won’t go wrong with one of our many styles of patio slider.
2,3 or 4 Pane Patio
Options of 2,3 or 4 pane patio door sliding left or right depending on size and functionality
Triple Track Patio
A real alternative to a bifolding door, a 3 pane 3 track patio option with 2 sliding panes and 1 fixed enabling staking for a wider clear opening. Also available as a 6 pane patio giving an opening of up to two-thirds of the aperture.
High Security High Quality
unobtrusive gaskets, stainless steel track and wheels for longevity and peace of mind. Ergonomic handle for easy slide operation and a colour choice to suit all homeowner requirements.
Midrail and letterbox options and a generous choice of woodgrains and colour options available.
Benefits of PVC-U Patio Doors
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